Reconnective Healing® and De Reconnection®

Every experience with reconnective healing is unique. Some healings only need one moment or one session and sometimes it takes longer before a healing can develop. It could be that your healing takes place like you hoped, or maybe even in a way that you had never imagined.At the beginning I take note of some of your personal details, should you choose to follow more than one session. These details remain absolutely private. I strictly adhere to the laws about personal informations.

  • Preperation
    The best preparation is to be aware and to observe what you are experiencing. The healing takes place in a peaceful space with dimmed lights, where you lie on a comfortable massage table with your eyes closed. You don't have to wear anything special or take your clothes off. You just have to take off your shoes.
  • The session
    During the session you are not touched, but 'radiated', as we might say. No use is made of fragrances, incense, colours, or 'healing' music. The session takes place in silence. During the session you might see colours or patterns, or you find that your fingers or eyes make involuntary movements. You might also suddenly feel cold for a while, or you might suddenly get cold or warm feet. These are all signs of the 'connection'.
  • How many sessions do you need?
    One visit can be sufficient for a reconnective healing, but three visits (maximum) are recommended. In fact the third visit often provides an exceptional experience that transcends the first two. After the sessions you allow the results to be revealed. A session lasts about 60 minutes.The reconnection takes place in two sessions in quick succession and doesn’t need to be repeated.