Why Reconnection®?
History teaches us that man became completely separated from the energy ley lines and energetic fields of the earth and by extension from the whole energy network of the universe.
From the times of pre-biblical history to the ancient Greeks, stories exist about a world that was once free from war and illness. Until something happened that was called the Fall (of man) - a detachment from the powers that we call love and happiness. In other words, separation. There are various opinions about how this separation came about and the most well-known is the story of the Garden of Eden. This universal story and its variations have become part of our genetic blueprint.
Dr. Eric Pearl states that the phenomen reconnection restores our original feeling of deep union with all life. This varies van person to person, but it can also be called the original archetype of our 'higher self'. This return journey is at the same time a journey forward towards something new. Healing originates in wholeness.