Remote healing

The concept of magnetic-electronic dimensions and negative entropy offers intriguing insights into remote Reconnective Healing through reconnective frequencies and their interaction with self-healing. The same frequencies are used in a healing where the patient is present.

Healing is not just restricted to "getting better" – a mere alleviation of symptoms, sickness and other visible obstructions that prevent us from functioning fully. That would be a very limited definition of healing. Healing also includes becoming spiritually whole once again. An important supplement in our 'mending' society.

Eric Pearl describes this as follows: "Healing is the releasing or removing of an obstacle or malfunction that has separated us from the perfection of the universe".

Reconnective Healing® goes further than tangible energy, because it gives access to a larger spectrum, the field of light and information. 'Light' here means the source of universal intelligence and information, of which visible light is only a very small part.

Eric Pearl